In order to better prepare for the exam and the physical demands of the academy, you are encouraged to attend the Candidate Workout Program and complete the Physical Fitness Qualifier (PFQ). You must complete the PFQ at least once prior to appointment. You are welcome to retake the PFQ as many times as you like, and the score is valid for 12 months. If you score less than a 50% on the PFQ, you are strongly encouraged to attend the Candidate Workout Program more regularly and retake the PFQ.
- The PFQ consists of four events:
- Maximum push-ups in one minute
- 300-meter sprint
- Maximum sit-ups in one minute
- 1.5 mile-run. This is the same physical fitness test that academy recruits take the third day of the police academy.
This is the same physical fitness test that academy recruits take the third day of the police academy.
Airport only applicants may attend any PFQ hosted by the City of Los Angeles and you must register for the PFQ via myPD portal.
Airport Police hosts 1 PFQ per month, typically the 2nd Saturday of every month. See the myPD calendar for specific PFQ dates and times.
- Appropriate physical training gear (T-shirt, shorts/sweat pants, running shoes).
Items to bring:
- Valid State or Federal issued photo identification card. Any candidate who does not have a valid State or Federal issued photo identification card WILL NOT be allowed to take the test.
- PFQ Waiver
- Water
Please note:
- In the event of rain, PFQ will be canceled
- If you have any questions call (424) 646-5575