05/02/2009 12:00 AM



            ( Los Angeles , California – May 2, 2009)  In recognition of Airport Police Officer Tommy Edward Scott’s heroic service to the City of Los Angeles, Councilmembers Bill Rosendahl and Janice Hahn joined local officials and friends and family members of the fallen officer to name a portion of Lincoln Boulevard in his memory.

            On April 29, 2005, Office Scott’s life was taken after stopping a suspicious man near Los AngelesInternationalAirport (LAX).  A physical confrontation occurred after the stop and the suspect gained control of his police vehicle.  Scott was dragged outside of his vehicle into a fire hydrant and was killed instantly.

            “Officer Scott is a hero in our community and amongst the ranks of the Airport Police,” said Rosendahl.  “Each time we drive down this busy section of Lincoln Boulevard, we will all be reminded of the sacrifice he made to protect the public and keep the peace.”

            Scott is the only Los Angeles Airport Police officer to lose his life in the line of duty.  He was 35 years old and a four-year veteran at the time of his death.

            “Officer Tommy Scott was a consummate professional who earned the respect and admiration of his peers and supervisors alike with his friendly disposition and extensive knowledge of the airport’s operations.  With the dedication of this square, we honor his memory and his bravery,” said Councilmember Janice Hahn.

            Rosendahl and Hahn joined Scott’s fellow officers and family members to dedicate the portion of Lincoln Boulevard between La Tijera and Sepulveda boulevards and unveiled one of the two street signs bearing his name during a ceremony.

            Los Angeles Airport Police Chief George R. Centeno said, “This action by the City Council is an honor to the memory of Officer Scott, who is the first officer to lose his life in the line of duty since the organization began in 1946.  As part of the Airport Police family, Officer Scott was an inspiration to his fellow officers and the entire LAX community.”

            The exact location where Scott was killed is marked with a permanent memorial and plaque bearing his name and is centered between the two newly placed signs.

            “Officer Tommy Scott was one of the most respected and admired officers on our force,” said Marshall McClain, president of the Los Angeles Airport Police Officers Association.  “He was an outstanding officer and a role model for fellow officers.”

            Officer Scott is survived by his father, stepmother and brother.

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