01/10/2011 12:00 AM

Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners Elects New President

(Los Angeles, California – January 10, 2011)  The Los Angeles Board of

Airport Commissioners (BOAC) today elected attorney Michael A. Lawson as its president for term ending June 30, 2011.  Lawson has served on the Board for more than five years.  He  heads the Employee Benefits Group at the Los Angeles office of Skadden Arps LLP, where he works on all facets of employee compensation issues.

            Los Angeles World Airports Executive Director Gina Marie Lindsey said, “For more than five years, Michael Lawson has given the Board of Airport Commissioners his thoughtful, imaginative and energetic leadership.  His election to president puts those qualities at the helm of an extraordinary Board.  I am grateful for the Board’s decision and Michael Lawson’s willingness to say ‘yes.’”  

            Lawson has experience as an investment advisor and has been instrumental in propelling the modernization of Los AngelesInternationalAirport (LAX).  His appointment follows the December departure of former BOAC president and sports entrepreneur Alan Rothenberg.   Other current commissioners are Vice President Valeria C. Velasco, Joseph A. Aredas, Boyd Hight, Fernando Torres-Gil and Walter Zifkin.  Rothenberg’s vacancy is expected to be filled in the near future with an appointment by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa.

            Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) is a proprietary department of the City of Los Angeles that owns and operates three Southern California airports – LAX, LA/Ontario International and Van Nuys (general aviation), as well as aviation property at Palmdale.  LAWA receives no monies from the City’s general fund for its operations.

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