11/19/2015 12:00 AM



The Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners today announced plans to deliver a world-class transportation system to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) through the estimated $5-billion Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP).  The centerpiece of LAMP will be an Automated People Mover (APM) that will connect the Central Terminal Area (CTA) with a new Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility (CONRAC), with stops in-between at new airport parking facilities and a station connecting to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) regional transit system.

LAMP will further transform LAX into a world-class airport by relieving traffic congestion within the terminal area and on surrounding streets, by improving access options and the travel experience for passengers, and by providing a connection to Metro’s light-rail system.

The APM, which will be free of charge to all users, will consist of an elevated 2.25-mile-long guideway with six stations, pedestrian bridges to airport terminals, parking garages and fixed facilities.  The CONRAC will accommodate rental car agencies currently serving LAX at one convenient location adjacent to Interstate 405 San Diego Freeway.  Additional elements of LAMP include two Intermodal Transportation Facilities (east and west), as well as roadway improvements to enhance access to the proposed facilities.  LAWA has initiated the environmental review and clearance process for LAMP, and is collaborating with key agency and community stakeholders throughout the process.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti tasked Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), the city department that owns and operates LAX and two other Southern California airports, with delivering LAMP no later than 2023, while controlling capital costs, minimizing construction impacts on existing LAX operations, and cultivating opportunities for small and local businesses.  "We are one step closer to bringing rail to LAX and making it easier to get in and out of the airport -- all while easing traffic in the surrounding neighborhoods," said Mayor Garcetti.  "This $5-billion project adds to the continuous effort to transform LAX into the world-class airport Los Angeles deserves, and this strategy to deliver the automated train and rental car center will help us finish these projects on time and on budget."

After evaluating several different delivery methods, LAWA determined that the Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) method is best suited to deliver at least two elements of LAMP: the APM and CONRAC.  Proposed construction duration of the APM and CONRAC will be from 2017 to 2023.  The Board will determine the delivery methods for the other elements of LAMP at a later date.  “The decision to utilize a delivery method that focuses on working hand in hand with the private sector will help drive innovation and quality, said Sean Burton, president of the Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners.  “This approach, unique to U.S. airports, will create an exceptional guest experience and cement LAX’s competitiveness in the global aviation marketplace.” 

Public agencies throughout the nation and internationally have successfully used the DBFOM delivery method to build critical infrastructure projects.  In comparison to the design-bid-build delivery method, DBFOM can result in cost savings, greater cost control/cost certainty, schedule acceleration, increased access to private-sector innovation, an ability to transfer appropriate risks to the private sector, life-cycle efficiencies, fixed operations and maintenance payments for the life of the project, and reduced administrative costs.

“The DBFOM method allows for a process that benefits LAWA and is inclusive of our values; comprehensive environmental review, transparency with our communities, project labor agreements and participation opportunities for local and small businesses,” said Deborah Flint, executive director of Los Angeles World Airports.  “Today’s announcement of our preferred delivery method is reflective of a 21st century solution that will allow us to reach across the global, regional and local marketplace to b ring the very best teams together to deliver a complex and innovative structure for one of the world’s busiest airports.” 

On February 4, 2016, LAWA will host an Industry Forum to provide program information and receive industry feedback on the delivery and procurement framework that would encourage competition, innovation, and certainty through delivery.  A Small Business Enterprise (SBE) event will also be held that day to encourage and facilitate the participation of SBEs and minority-, women- and locally-owned businesses.  Additional events will occur throughout the procurement process.  To register for the Industry Forum and additional events, visit:  business.connectinglax.com.

About Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

            LAX is the fifth busiest airport in the world and second in the United States.  LAX served nearly 70.7 million passengers in 2014.  LAX offers 692 daily nonstop flights to 85 cities in the U.S. and 928 weekly nonstop flights to 67 cities in 34 countries on 59 commercial air carriers.  LAX ranks 14th in the world and fifth in the U.S. in air cargo tonnage processed, with over two million tons of air cargo valued at nearly $96.3 billion.  An economic study in 2011 reported that operations at LAX generated 294,400 jobs in Los Angeles County with labor income of $13.6 billion and economic output of more than $39.7 billion.  This activity added $2.5 billion to local and state revenues.  LAX is part of a system of three Southern California airports – along with LA/Ontario International and Van Nuys general aviation – that are owned and operated by Los Angeles World Airports, a proprietary department of the City of Los Angeles that receives no funding from the City’s general fund.


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