Public Art

365 Days of Voters

Artist: Deborah Aschheim

Terminal 2/3, Baggage Claim

“365 Days of Voters” is a collection of portraits of voters and future voters I shared online in 2020. The project originated as part of my work as a 2019-2020 Creative Strategist/Artist-in-Residence for the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder/County Clerk. The CS/AIR program embeds artists in County Departments to develop, strategize, promote, and implement artist-driven solutions to civic issues. As Artist-in-Residence, I used art as outreach to register and energize voters across LA County, the largest and most diverse electoral district in the US. I also drew people I met, at the LA Zoo, on high school and college campuses, at Pride events, at resource fairs, at Homeless Connect. I drew brand-new US citizens at Immigration and Naturalization Ceremonies, and I drew voters and poll workers at vote centers.

In March 2020, the Covid19 pandemic restricted my in-person voter outreach, so I invited people to send me their photos and messages about voting. By the time the polls closed on November 3, 2020, I had shared drawings and stories of over 757 people on Instagram @365daysofvoters, representing cities and towns across the United States.

I hope as you read through the diverse reasons for voting shared by this cross section of current and future voters, you will find a message that inspires you and reinforces your own commitment to vote in 2024.
– Deborah Aschheim, 2024
The selected drawings from Milestones further augment themes Aschheim was exploring in 365 Days of Voters. These drawings depict milestones in voting rights in America and were inspired by historic photographs, used with permission, from the following archives: George Grantham Bain Collection, Library of Congress; Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Frances Albrier Collection; U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division; Seattle Post-Intelligencer Digital Collection, Museum of History & Industry; Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive, UCLA Library Special Collections.
For information about LA County elections and to register to vote go to:
Pasadena-based artist Deborah Aschheim makes installations, sculptures, drawings, digital and social media projects and temporary interventions into public space. Her projects exploring memory and place are based on historical research and community engagement. Aschheim has had exhibitions across the United States and internationally, and she has created public artworks for University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Santa Monica Fire Department, Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, UC San Francisco,, and for the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and Raleigh, NC.
365 Days of Voters originated during Aschheim’s residency as a Creative Strategist with Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RRCC) a program of Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture. The project also received support from the Glendale Arts and Culture Commission and the City of Pasadena Cultural Affairs.

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Photos by SKA Studios LLC., courtesy of Los Angeles World Airports. Click image to zoom.

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