Sound Insulation Grant Program (SIGP)
The Sound Insulation Grant Program (SIGP) administers and monitors funding (airport and federal funds) for Residential Sound Insulation Programs for the City of Inglewood and the unincorporated areas of Lennox, Del Aire, and Athens in the County of Los Angeles. In addition, the Program administers funding for the sound insulation of schools in the Lennox School District and the Inglewood Unified School District.
The goal of LAWA’s Sound Insulation Program is to ensure residential communities adversely impacted by aircraft noise that qualify under Federal Aviation Administration guidelines are made compatible with California Noise Standards and to provide additional sound insulation for noise impacted schools.
Maps & Guidelines
The technical goals of the Residential Sound Insulation Programs are defined in FAA Order 5100.38D, Airport Improvement Program Handbook.

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
Residential Sound Insulation Programs
- LAX Residential Sound Insulation Program
New: Properties in the City of LA and El Segundo can now apply for the program!
- Inglewood Residential Sound Insulation Program
Bettye Griffith, Program Manager
- LA County Residential Sound Insulation Program
Bill Pro, Project Manager
School Sound Insulation Programs
Lennox School District
Inglewood School District
Van Nuys Airport (VNY)
- VNY Residential Sound Insulation Program
(Program completed and closed in 2010.)