Connecting LAX
Construction Photos - September 2021

The Intermodal Transportation Facility-West Station is under construction adjacent to the new economy parking garage.

Falsework and formwork for the guideway ramp next to the Maintenance and Storage Facility secures the guideway under construction.

The maintenance bays will allow workers to access the under carriage of the train in the future to perform maintenance on the people mover.

The guideway ramp at the Maintenance and Storage Facility is being prepared for concrete pours in the future.

Track switches at the maintenance facility are installed.

The train wash facility at the base of the guideway ramp will serve as one of the first stopping points for trains going into the maintenance area.

Both travelers over Century Boulevard have been installed and the first segment has been poured on the south side of the roadway.

Tracks leading to the Intermodal Transportation Facility-West Station are well underway.

Work progresses on the level 4 deck at the future parking garage adjacent to the West Central Terminal Area Station.

Crews continue working on the pedestrian bridge at Terminal 4 to connect to the future West Central Terminal Area.

Terminal 4.5 pedestrian bridge construction continues.

The missing guideway section over Sepulveda Boulevard will be constructed using segmental construction.

Looking north at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility Quick Turn Around building.

Looking south at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility Ready Return Idle Storage building.

South parking lot curb and gutter placement next to the Ready Return Idle Storage building at the Consolidate Rent-A-Car facility.

East exterior of the Quick Turn Around building at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility.

East ramps between the Idle Storage and Quick Turn Around buildings at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility.

A precast planter bench, in front of the Automated People Mover station, on the top level of the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility’s Ready Return building.

One of four bridges being constructed between the Idle Storage and Quick Turn Around buildings at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility.

The Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility Ready Return building south speed ramp.

Automated People Mover guideway at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility Ready Return building.

Solar panel installation on the east façade of the Idle Storage building at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility.