
Accessibility Statement

The Los Angeles World Airports is committed to making every possible effort to ensure that all information is accessible to people with disabilities, including both employees and customers we serve. If you experience any difficulty accessing the information on our web site, please email us. We will try to assist you as best we can. This may include providing the information to you in an alternate format.

Anyone using a TDD can reach us at (310) 665-0370.

Some of the publications on are in PDF (Portable Document Format). To view them you will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer. The Reader can be downloaded at no cost from Adobe's site on the World Wide Web.

Unlawful Discrimination

It is unlawful for airport operators and their lessees, tenants, concessionaires and contractors to discriminate against any person because of race, color, national origin, sex, creed, or disability in public services and employment opportunities. Allegations of discrimination should be promptly reported to the Airport Manager or:

Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Civil Rights, ACR-1
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20591

Federal regulations on unlawful discrimination are available for review online and in the Airport Manager's Office.

Tim Ihle
LAWA ADA Airport Manager
Los Angeles World Airports
1 World Way
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Direct: (424) 646-5005 |