Van Nuys Soundproofing

Van Nuys Airport (VNY) Soundproofing Program (Completed)
Los Angeles World Airports, working closely with local Council offices, implemented a voluntary Residential Soundproofing Program for aircraft noise impacted communities in the City of Los Angeles surrounding VNY.
Duration of the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP)
LAWA implemented the RSIP for residential dwellings in the VNY noise impact area in 2001. At that time, LAWA opened a community office, which remained open to the public until 2010 when the program ended. Since the start of the program, LAWA soundproofed 780 residential dwelling units.
If you would like to file a comment about aircraft noise, you may contact Noise Management by calling the dedicated 24-hour number (VNY Community Response Line at (800) 560-0010)