Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) offers an award winning, multi-faceted rideshare program that benefits employees, tenants, the community and the environment. The program's immense success reduces traffic congestion and pollution, supports local South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) air quality goals, and provides employees with the many benefits of ridesharing. The goal of LAWA Rideshare is to reduce vehicle trips to our airports by providing top level transportation benefits to LAWA employees, while also improving transportation options for LAX tenant company employees and the local community.
The LAWA Rideshare Program began in 1990 with the purchase of 4 vans for employees to use as vanpool vehicles, LAWA now has 70 vanpools and over 500 vanpoolers as well as over 200 transit riders and over 85 carpool program participants. According to a 2012 study by the National Academy of Sciences, this voluntary program is now the largest and most comprehensive airport employee rideshare program in the nation. LAWA Rideshare was an inaugural member of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (US EPA's) Best Workplaces for Commuters (BWC) Program - a mark of excellence in environmental leadership. LAWA continues to qualify for BWC designation each year through its innovative and effective rideshare programs.
Airport employees can get personal transit trip planning or vanpool/carpool matching assistance during regular business hours at the LAWA Rideshare Office locations listed below:
Admin West
7301 World Way West, #200
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(424) 646-POOL (7665)
Skyview Center
6053 Century Blvd, #420 A-B
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(424) 646-5452
ITF West
6100 W 94th St, Window 1
Los Angeles, CA 90045
You can also email Rideshareinfo@lawa.org or
call us at (424) 646-POOL (7665).
Our goal is to help YOU get to work in a greener, more convenient, more affordable way.
Do you know the best way to get to work?
If you live 0-5 miles to work and want to start the day by getting your feet moving, walking might be the best commute for you |
If you live 2-10 miles to work and want to make your daily exercise part of your commute, biking might be the best commute for you |
If you live 5-50 miles to work and want to make new friends, carpooling might be the best commute for you |
If you live 15-100 miles to work and want to take a nap or study while someone else drives, vanpooling might be the best commute for you, to see other vanpools outside of LAWA, please also visit Metro's website ( Find an LAX Vanpool Route HERE) |
If you live close to an LAX FlyAway, Commuter Express, or other bus line and want to save on fuel, transit might be the best commute for you |
If you live near a Metro Rail or Metrolink Station and want to relax on your way to work and help the environment, taking a train might be the best commute for you |