Van Nuys Airport Fly Friendly

Van Nuys Airport Fly Friendly Program

As part of the VNY Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program, the Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) approved a voluntary Fly Friendly Program for jet aircraft that was established in 1994 to address the community noise issue. This voluntary program consists primarily of the Quiet Departure Program (QDP), which sets not-to-exceed target departure noise levels for specific jet aircraft types. Pilots adhere to the program by using noise abatement procedures approved by airplane manufacturers and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) when departing VNY.

In 2012, the Friendly Flyer Award Program was established to identify and formally recognize jet operators that have achieved the highest levels of compliance with the mandatory noise regulations and the voluntary noise abatement programs at VNY. The Friendly Flyer Award is presented annually to jet operators that meet or exceed the following criteria during the award year:  

  • At least 60 southbound jet  departures
  • No violations of the following:
    • Noise Abatement and Curfew Regulation
    • Non-Additional Rule
    • Noisier Jet Phase-Out
  • 99% or greater compliance with the No Early Turn and the Quiet Jet Departure Programs
  • Observance of the Quieter Nights Program


Click Here for Friendly Flyer Award Winners

Updated QDP Program – New Target Noise Levels and the Friendly Flyer Award 

In 2011, new jet aircraft types and target noise levels were added to the QDP to take into account changes in fleet mix, the number of new aircraft operators and new aircraft types operating into and out of the airport.

Monthly QDP Reports  

The Quiet Departure Program monthly report is comprised of the Noise Exceedance Report and the Summary by Owner Report. The Noise Exceedance Report displays the details associated with each operation that failed to depart VNY at or below the established target levels. The Summary by Owner Report provides a compreshensive list of the all owner/operators, including those that successfully complied with the program.


Important Program Dates  

 Date  Description
 May 26, 2016

  2015 Friendly Flyer Awards Ceremony

  • Awards were given to 26 operators at a luncheon ceremony at the 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant adjacent to VNY.
 June 23, 2015

  2014 Friendly Flyer Awards Ceremony

 June 2, 2014

  2013 Friendly Flyer Awards Ceremony

 May 21, 2013

  Inaugural 2012 Friendly Flyer Awards Ceremony:

 January 1, 2012

  Official commencement date of Fly Friendly Program and Friendly Flyer Awards Program

  • New noise targets implemented (exceedance will be counted against jet operators starting this date).
  • Quiet Departure Program monthly reports distribution resumed.
 December 31, 2011   6-Month Transition Period Ended
 July 1, 2011

  6-Month Transition Period Began

  • New target noise levels became effective (exceedances will not be counted against operator starting this date).
  • Jet operators made any necessary adjustments to adhere to new target noise levels.
  • Operators continued to receive notification letters if noise levels are exceeded.
  • Quiet Departure Program monthly reports were not published for general distribution.
 June 7, 2011

  Program Overview at VNAA Meeting

  • Brief presentation was given regarding the program.
  • Consultants and airport staff were on hand to answer program questions.
 May 2011   Notification sent to jet operators informing them of the new program and 6-month transition period

Reference Information: