
September 13, 2024

The Los Angeles World Airports, Security Credential Section has transitioned to a new computer-based training model with a new vendor. Past training records that precede July 12, 2024 will be removed from the credentialing system on September 20, 2024, to increase accurate visibility of training information. If your organization requires a record of the historic training information, please click the link below and follow the listed instructions.

Click here for more information. 

August 21, 2024

This special announcement is for LAX Authorized Signers. There are significant changes related to the newly implemented computer-based training courses. The guide found at the link below was developed to answer many of the questions the airport community of authorized signers may have.

Click here for more information. 

July 2, 2024

This special announcement is for LAX Authorized Signers. It is critical time-sensitive information regarding changes in badging procedures and processes related to: TERMINAL ID REBADGE – UPDATED FINGERPRINT APPLICATION – NEW PROCESSES FOR USCBP SEAL AUTHORITY REQUESTS – and REQUIRED BADGE HOLDER EMAILS. Please click the link below for more information.

Click here for more information. 

April 9, 2024

The Terminal ID Card rebadge is scheduled to begin Monday, April 15, 2024. Authorized signers shall complete a standard Terminal ID Card application for badge holders with an expiration date between April 15 and June 14, 2024. A Terminal ID Card ReBadge application will be added to the Authorized Signer portal for badge holders that will expire between June 15 and April 15, 2025.

Click here for more information. 

March 4, 2024

The Terminal ID Card population that operates in the Sterile Area of LAX has breached the TSA’s unaccounted-for badge ratio of five (5%) percent. This requires LAX to rebadge the entire population of pink badge holders. Please look for additional announcements regarding this effort and use the following link for additional information.

Click here for more information. 

February 21, 2024

Construction crews will be working adjacent to the Security Credentials Section (Badge Office) between the SBO Free Customer Parking Lot and the Badge Office. An alternate route has been established for Badge Office customers. Please see the flyer for additional information and the associated travel path on a map.

Click here for more information. 

May 12, 2023

The Security Credentials Section (Badge Office) has moved to a new location. Please continue to view our web page for updates on the new address and when we will open our doors to receive customers.

Click here for more information. 

May 4, 2023

The Security Credentials Section (Badge Office) is moving to a new location. Please continue to view our web page for updates on the new address and when we will open our doors to receive customers.

Click here for more information. 

July 29, 2022
2022 Annual 100% Badge Audit

The Security Credentials Section was approved to begin the mandated 100% Badge Audit between July 13, 2022 and August 24, 2022. Email communications have been sent to active Authorized Signers. Due to limited Badge Office resources, it is critical responses are received as quickly as possible.

Click here for more information. 

March 11, 2022

The final deadline to submit the 2021 badge accountability information is Friday, March 11, 2022.. Companies that have not completed and submitted their lst-based audit to the Security Credentials Section (Badge Office) by 4:00 PM will have all badging privileges revoked.

Click here for more information. 

October 27, 2021

The submission period for the 2021 Annual 100% List-based audit ended Monday, October 18, 2021. Beginning Monday, November 1, 2021, if your company has not submitted your List-based audit, you company may be placed in PENDING status. Please submit your actively badged employee list to as soon as possible for review and processing . Please click the link below for more information.

Click here for more information. 

September 16, 2021

The submission period for the 2021 Annual 100% List-based audit began on Monday, September 13, 2021 and is scheduled through Monday, October 18, 2021. Please submit your actively badged employee list to as soon as possible for review and processing . Please click the link below for more information.

Click here for more information. 

April 15, 2021
LAWA IMCS Technological Requirements

When the Security Credentials Section goes paperless every contract administer, authorized signer, and badge holder will be required to participate in the application process electronically. Please review the attached document to ensure your organization uses the systems listed in the technical requirements document. Please address any questions to your Badge Coordinator.

Click here for more information. 

March 25, 2021

The Security Credentials Section is going paperless and is excited to announce our new Identity Management and Credentialing System – LAWA IMCS.

Click here for more information. 

November 13, 2020

The final deadline to submit the 2020 badge accountability information is Friday, November 13, 2020. Companies that have not completed and submitted their list-based audit to the Security Credentials Section (Badge Office) by 4:00 PM will have all badging privileges revoked.

Click here for more information. 

October 22, 2020

The submission period for the 2020 Annual 100% audit ended on Friday, September 25, 2020. If the Badge Office has not received your company’s employee roster, your company has been placed in PENDING status. A PENDING company badge status prohibits all badge transactions. Please click the link below for more information.

Click here for more information. 

October 19, 2020

The Security Credentials Section will soon deploy Temperature Check machines at entry ways to the Badging Building. Any applicant or visitor that reaches or exceeds the recommended temperature set by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or has a positive response to any of the COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to enter the Badge Office.

Click here for more information. 

June 25, 2020

Please view the announcements indicating how to work safely at LAX ensuring that COVID-19 protocols are adhered to. The announcements are provided in English and Spanish.

English version 

Spanish version 
December 27, 2019

The final deadline to submit 2019 badge accountability information will end December 30, 2019. Companies that have not completed the audit requirement by that date will have badging privileges revoked.

Click here for more information.

October 23, 2019

The submission period for the 2019 Annual 100% audit ended on Friday, October 25, 2019. In accord with changing TSA guidelines a new list-based log is required. If you have not submitted your 2019 audit information, please contact your badge coordinator immediately at 424-646-5500.

Click here for more information.

November 2, 2018

New TSA guidelines, requires new language that must be included for all badge transactions. The new language requires the Signatory Authority to attest to the need for each individual applicant to obtain the requested access and that the applicant acknowledges their responsibilities under Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations 1540.105(a).

(click here for more information)

July 12, 2018

The Blue Campaign is the unified voice for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) efforts to combat human trafficking. Working in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental and private organizations, the Blue Campaign strives to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice.

Click here to see Airport Human Trafficking Poster...

Click here to learn about Human Trafficking...

Learn more...

April 28, 2017

All companies involved in the LAX ON THE MOVE (the DELTA Airline Relocation Project)

Learn more...

November 18, 2016 
LAX Concessions Rebadge 2016

To ensure regulatory compliance, the Los Angeles World Airports has developed a process to rebadge Sterile Identification Card holders.

Learn more...

October 12, 2016

To All Authorized Signers: The Security Badge Office has noticed that too many applicants – especially those that are renewing their badges – have experienced delays in processing, as their fingerprint results have not been acted upon properly by their Authorized Signers. Please consider the following information, so that your employees may be processed in as timely a manner as possible by the SBO.

Effective July 27, 2015, TSA Security Directive 1542-04-08H required that all SIDA badge holders must have their fingerprints resubmitted every two years. In accordance with this directive, SBO has actively submitted fingerprints for anyone renewing a badge with initial fingerprint results of 18 months or older. All Authorized Signers should be aware that these are live fingerprint results, and must be retrieved from the Fingerprint Results page as if they were those of a new employee. Results other than “Approved” do occur, and Authorized Signers are responsible for conveying this to the applicant and taking necessary action as directed by SBO. Non-compliance may result in badge deactivation. Please comply with the following recommendation:

SBO suggests that Authorized signers should pick a standard set day (e.g. 15th of every month) to run the report a minimum of every 30 days. If the online report indicates “call badge office” or “completed” as a status for an employee in the results field, the Company Authorized Signer should immediately call SBO’s Adjudication & Confidential Records Unit (ACRU) for further information. ACRU’s mainline is 424-646-5557.

To all Authorized Signers, The federal agency that reviews & processes fingerprint submittals from the Security Badge Office (SBO) has undergone some system changes that are not completely compatible with the SBO’s fingerprint record retrieval system. We expect revisions to our system to be completed during the week of May 9-13 in order to return to the normal flow of fingerprint processing.

Thus, we anticipate that the posting of some fingerprint results may be delayed from three-to-five days ……with the expectation that results will post in normal time as of May 16.

We regret the inconvenience this presents to our affected clients. If you have any questions about the status of a particular fingerprint result, please contact SBO’s Fingerprint Administration Unit via

We thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this matter.

New Fingerprint Statuses

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has upgraded their web site designated to disseminate finger-print results. During the upgrade, new fingerprint web message statuses were developed to more accurately reflect the nature of any fingerprint processing anomalies. For a list and explanation of the new statuses - see Badge Office April 2016 news Bulletin ...

To all Authorized Signers, As you may have been aware per our November 2015 Newsletter the TSA has resolved the majority of the system issues that caused the nationwide delays in receiving fingerprint results. The TSA is currently implementing an upgraded system that will facilitate fingerprint results for LAX and all airports nationwide beginning Tuesday, March 29, 2016.

Beginning Monday, March 21st until Monday, March 28th fingerprints submitted by the Security Badge Office (SBO) to the TSA - will be held by the TSA. During this time, the TSA will cutover to their new upgraded system. We have been informed that this should be a seamless process, but in the event of technical difficulties you should anticipate some slight delays.

If the LAX Badging system shows a CHRC/fingerprint results as "pending", this means that the SBO has yet to receive the results and we ask that you continue to check your system for updated status. Should you have any questions or concerns please email all inquiries to

The LAX Security Badge Office thanks you for your patience and we shall continue to work to meet the credentialing needs of the LAWA community. We fly as one.

Glenn Cabrera Commanding Officer Security Credential Section, Airport Police Division Los Angeles World Airports

To all Authorized Signers: Please be advised of a recent policy change in Security Credential Section (SCS) handling of company requests for information regarding badged personnel movement, access transactions, and other tracked data related to an individual's use of their LAX Security Badge. All such requests will no longer be directly taken by SCS and must first be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney - Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA).

SCS, as a branch of LAWA Airport Police, will continue to support law enforcement criminal investigations. However, the City Attorney will consider requests for investigation by private companies, if supported by a subpoena or court order. You may contact Christina L. Checel, Deputy City Attorney with LAWA's Office of the City Attorney at (424) 646-5010, for further information on submitting the necessary documentation.

We regret any inconvenience that this policy change may cause, but pledge to promptly fulfill any request that has been approved by LAWA's Office of the City Attorney.

Glenn Cabrera Commanding Officer Security Credential Section, Airport Police Division Los Angeles World Airports Latest SBO Newsletter is available now. Please click button below.

Note the updated hours for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection office located in the Badge Office building:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Please take these hours into consideration when making appointments for badges requiring the Customs Seal. SBO Newsletter