LAWA Sustainability
Sustainability at LAWA
Sustainability Mission Statement
As the international gateway in our region, Los Angeles World Airports is committed to setting the global airport standard for customer satisfaction and security, regional economic leadership and organizational performance. Building on our core values, we will engage our employees, tenants, customers, and communities in an effort to continually improve our environmental, economic and social performance.
Please let us know your thoughts and ideas about how we can improve LAWA’s sustainability performance.
Message from the Chief Executive Officer
I am pleased to share with you the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) 2023 Sustainability Report for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Van Nuys Airport (VNY). The Report was developed by our Environmental Programs Division and summarizes LAWA’s continuous efforts to make sustainability foundational to LAWA’s culture.
2023 Sustainability Report
LAWA Sustainable Design and Construction Policy
Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) has a longstanding commitment to advancing sustainability in our built environment and operations, as first conveyed in our Sustainability Vision and Principles adopted in 2007. This Sustainable Design and Construction Policy reconfirms that commitment and formalizes the requirement that all new building construction, major facility renovation projects, and non-building landside and airside projects meet LAWA’s Sustainable Design and Construction Policy.
LEED Certification Starter Kit
The LEED Certification Starter Kit serves as a document to streamline the LEED certification process for LAWA new construction projects that are required to achieve LEED Silver or better.

LAWA EV Purchasing Policy
Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) has a longstanding commitment to advancing sustainability in our built environment and operations, as first conveyed in our Sustainability Vision and Principles adopted in 2007. This Sustainable Design and Construction Policy reconfirms that commitment and formalizes the requirement that all new building construction, major facility renovation projects, and non-building landside and airside projects meet LAWA’s Sustainable Design and Construction Policy.

LAX Food Donation Policy
The LAX Food Donation Policy requires businesses that sell or distribute food at LAX to implement a surplus edible food recovery strategy and report to LAWA annually the quantity of food donated via that strategy. *Policy updated in September 2022*.

LAWA Single-use Plastic Water Bottle Phase-out Policy
Effective June 30, 2023, single-use plastic water bottles cannot be sold or distributed at LAX or VNY. Reusable water bottles of any material type are encouraged to avoid waste. Acceptable single-use materials are aluminum, glass, or cartons. This policy aims to reduce plastic waste generated at LAWA facilities and move towards zero waste.

Mayor’s Sustainable City pLAn
On April 8, 2015, Mayor Eric Garcetti released L.A.’s first-ever Sustainable City pLAn. The pLAn is a roadmap to achieve back to basics short-term results while setting the path to strengthen and transform our City in the decades to come. In 2019, the Mayor launched Los Angeles' Green New Deal, an ambitious update to the 2015 Sustainable City pLAn.