Construction Approval Process

Welcome to Los Angeles World Airports' Tenant Project Approval Website.
To request a new tenant project, you must complete a Concept Request Form and submit it (along with the necessary attachments) to your Business Relationship Manager and copy ( If you do not know who your BRM is and/or do not have their email address just email it to and they will forward your submittal to the appropriate BRM for review and response.
You may also submit the Concept Request Form and supporting documents via mail to:
LAWA - Commercial Development Division
Attn: Business Relationship Manager
6053 West Century Blvd, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90045-6430
Once again, if you do not know who your BRM is please address the package to and they will forward your submittal to the appropriate BRM for review and response.
The form is provided with instructions, and you can contact your Business Relationship Manager (BRM) for additional assistance. LAWA will respond to your request within 3 weeks with a Concept Letter, which will formally approve or deny your project and instruct you how to continue. Additional reviews may be required. This will be specified in your Concept Letter and a checklist will be provided explaining what you need to do prior to the following review. All projects shall be in accordance with the LAWA Design & Construction Handbook.
When instructed, you will submit your 100% Conformed Documents along with any required permits ( Dept. of Building & Safety, etc.) to:
LAWA - PDG - Development Group
7301 World Way West, 8th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90045
When all of LAWA's conditions have been satisfied, you will be issued a Notice-To-Proceed. Prior to construction, all contractors must:
a) Receive a Notice To Proceed from LAWA.
b) Have their insurance approved by LAWA Risk Management Division, (424) 646-5480. Insurance requirements are explained here.
c) Obtain the appropriate badging from the LAX Badging Office.
d) Post the required bonds to the satisfaction of LAWA's Airports Development Group.
e) Notify LAWA Inspection at least 48 hours in advance; (424) 646-5791.
f) Notify LAWA Airport Operations at least 48 hours in advance; (310) 646-4265.
g) Submit any necessary Utility or Area Shutdown Requests to the Shutdown Control Center at at least 30 days in advance.
When construction is complete, the contractor will work with the LAWA Inspector to complete the Project Acceptance Checklist. When all checklist items have been completed (including the submission of As-Builts), the Business Relationship Manager will confirm that all business / acquisition issues have been completed before closing the project.
For additional information regarding the submission of a Tenant project, please email or call (424) 646-7243.
Forms and Templates:
- Concept Request Form...
- Signage Request Form
- Wireless Request Form
- Tenant Request for Exemption Form
- Request for an Alcohol Grant at LAX Form
- Inspection Request Form
- Antenna Installation Appliation
- Asset Data E-Forms
- Pre-Construction Conference Agenda
- Revision to Approved Scope
- Submittal Cover Sheet
- Welding Cutting Permit