01/21/2000 12:00 AM



(LOS ANGELES – January 21, 2000) Behind the big smiles and warm greetings stand a unique souvenir shop at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). I Love LA offers more than tee shirts, magnets, cups, and pens with I Love LA printed on the merchandise. The store transports travelers to a wonderful mall experience. Located in Terminal 2 and Terminal 4, I Love LA allows arriving, departing or lay over passengers the opportunity to shop in the comfort of LAX.


East Los Angeles native, Debra Seanez is co-owner of I Love LA. She prides herself on creating a product that sets her apart from other airport souvenir stores. "We have been in business for five years and the mall concept has given us an edge over our competitors," stated Seanez.


When you walk into the brightly lit, often times crowded store, a sense of nostalgia overwhelms the consumer. With numerous items to choose from, one feels as if they are shopping at a local Southland mall. I Love LA has a mini-market, vitamin section, jewelry counter, and cosmetics. In addition, the store offers merchandise from famous designers such as Guess, Disney, and Looney Tunes.


However, Seanez realizes that airport retail is dramatically different than mall retail. According to Seanez, the sales associates have to be patient when dealing with customers of various backgrounds and ready to help the customer at any time because of their time frame. "It is important for us to be patient because a lot of our customers are of different backgrounds and we have to work with them in making sure we are meeting their needs in a timely fashion," explained Seanez. The storeowner continues by saying the number of diverse individuals that come to the store is exciting. With the store being located in the movie capital of the world, Seanez and her 35 employees have met actors such as Michael Douglas and Keanu Reeves. They have also witnessed the filming of numerous movies.


The San Gabriel Valley resident is quick to say that being the number one vendor to move merchandise is not an easy task. With the help of her family and an extended airport family, I Love LA is a family business success. "I started this venture with family support," stated Seanez. "Everyone in the family has their roles as it relates to sustaining and increasing our business success."


The buyer for the I Love LA store is Seanez’s sister, and her brother handles the financials and certifications. As far as her partnership with Los Angeles World Airports, the L.A. City agency that owns and operates LAX, Seanez refers to the relationship as a positive relationship with opportunities for minority partners. "LAX is like its own city within a city. All of the employees know each other, are friendly, and work closely together to ensure the success of all of the businesses," continued Seanez.


Seanez’s interest in the airport began with her dream to be a flight attendant. Although the five foot-inch woman did not become a flight attendant because of her height, she did not give up her dream of one-day partnering with Los Angeles World Airports. She knew that one day her travels would land her at the airport––she just did not know in what capacity.


Seanez concludes with advice for those seeking to conduct business with Los Angeles World Airports. "Make sure you are well-educated about business and the airport industry. Learn as much as you can and attend conferences such as the Airport Minority Aviation Conference because they provide networking opportunities as well as information on how to become a successful business and expand." She continues, "the first year we were in business, we lost money. That was one of our biggest challenges, and we had to be prepared to weather the storm." The second year, the business made a profit and has been successful every since.


The next airport venture for Seanez is to open six stores at San Francisco Airport, to be managed by her nephew.


For contracting opportunities with Los Angeles World Airports, please visit their website at www.lawa.org

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