07/26/2002 12:00 AM



Fact Sheet
Fence Diagram

(Los Angeles, California -- July 26, 2002) Building on his commitment to create the nation's safest airport, Mayor Jim Hahn today announced the first phase of security enhancements slated for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) through a new $15 million initiative that will feature physical and technological upgrades to the airport's perimeter. The new measures exceed federal requirements for U.S. airports.


Fence 1
Fence 2
Click on the image to zoom in.

The Perimeter Security Improvements announced at a news conference at LAX today will consist of approximately eight miles of upgraded fencing surrounding the airport. The new fencing along large portions of the airport perimeter will include a 2-1/2-foot tall concrete rail with eight feet of heavy-duty chain-link fence and six strands of barbed wire, intrusion detection devices, increased lighting, and closed-circuit television monitoring. The new security cameras will be controlled by security personnel who will be able to view the perimeter area through closed-circuit television monitors and be able to automatically zero-in on any intrusions.

"Since September, we have been reminded on virtually a daily basis of the critical need to enhance security at our nation's airports," said Mayor Hahn, who chairs the U.S. Conference of Mayors' aviation safety and security task force. "Fortifying airport perimeters is just the first phase of the security enhancement process that we are planning to strengthen our airports, prevent life-threatening situations, and deter those who might otherwise attempt to gain illegal access to U.S. aviation facilities."

Perimeter operations will also be enhanced through construction of additional interior service roads.

The Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners is expected to act on the proposal next month and construction will begin early spring.

"My top priority is ensuring the safety of all who travel through and work at LAX," Mayor Hahn added. "Security is an evolving science. It is crucial that we continue to review existing security measures, plan and implement others as needed, and take steps to reassure confidence on all who use LAX."

The Perimeter Security Improvements also includes the expansion of new "sally-port" configurations at all airfield entry points, which are used by tenant airlines, airport workers and other authorized personnel whose jobs require access to high-security areas that are off-limits to the public. The devices consist of two-sided gates, which surround vehicles until they are cleared for entry. A prototype of the "sally-port" at LAX has successfully provided secure entry points.

"Although the current perimeter security at LAX meets or exceeds all federal requirements, more should be done," said Mayor Hahn. "These new measures take us to a higher level -- well above and beyond the requirements."

Retired Rear Admiral David M. Stone, LAX's Federal Security Director, stated, "I strongly support Mayor Hahn's actions to further enhance the physical security at LAX. The new Perimeter Security Improvements significantly strengthen the fence line and combines the use of high-technology sensors with well-trained and mobile security forces. The overall effort will result in a safer and more secure airport."

The improvements in perimeter security are the latest steps to strengthen LAX. Earlier this month, Mayor Hahn announced that 60 patrol officers would be added to the LAX Airport Police force to heighten the presence of armed, uniformed personnel in public areas of the airport complex.


  • The eight-foot heavy-duty chain link perimeter fencing will include surveillance cameras mounted every 400 feet.


  • Concrete foundations, which will extend above ground level, will act as effective vehicle barriers.


  • Approximately eight miles of LAX security fencing will be upgraded or replaced starting at Imperial Highway and stretching north along Pershing Drive to the northwest corner of the airfield.


  • From Pershing, the fencing will run along both sides of World Way West and span the entire north and east perimeter of the LAX property line.

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