March 30, 2018
Becca Doten
(424) 646-5260
(Los Angeles, CA) Following an eight-week course consisting of construction principles, mathematics, hands-on construction training and physical education, 29 students graduated today as the second class of the HireLAX Apprenticeship Readiness Program.
“The HireLAX program reflects the values of Los Angeles World Airports and our commitment to the community, including our focus on ensuring that local workers are part of building our future,” said Amber Meshack, Director of LAWA's Business, Job Resources and Social Responsibility Division. “We believe that HireLAX is a model program, and we want our contractors and community partners to know that we have an incredible, local, skilled workforce that we can tap into and help our businesses and projects thrive.”
A partnership between Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), the Los Angeles and Orange County Building Trades, Parsons Corporation, and the Flintridge Center, HireLAX's curriculum was designed to prepare members from Los Angeles and LAX’s surrounding communities for skilled-labor craft careers, as well as to provide a path to new opportunities for individuals who may have experienced prior adversity.
Leopold Robateau, who graduated from the HireLAX program today, spoke during the program, saying, “This is a triumphant day, because every last one of us has the opportunity to change the path of our lives. We can put the past behind us, and look to the future. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those who are part of HireLAX, to help us change, build, and grow our legacy.”
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At rel="noopener noreferrer" today's graduation ceremony, LAWA premiered a short documentary film that provides an overview of the HireLAX program and the impact it has on the students' lives. The film features graduates from the first and second cohort of HireLAX students, LAWA CEO Deborah Flint, HireLAX instructors and supporters, and showcases the efforts and impact the program has on its participants.
As Ron Miller, Executive Secretary of the Los Angeles and Orange County Building Trades says in the film, “Right now we are in the largest building boom since the 1920s. We have a lot of infrastructure projects, we have a tremendous amount of work at the airport for years to come, and it’s important to have local people working on those jobs."
In classes hosted at Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC) and taught by instructors from Los Angeles Trade Technical College, HireLAX students learn about construction fitness, OSHA 10 regulations, CPR/first aid response, construction math, and labor history. They tour LAX construction sites, and hear directly from construction workers. They also receive introductions to a variety of construction trades, and meet with contractors and union representatives through the course of their training. Following graduation, these men and women choose a trade and enter union apprenticeship programs to begin their construction careers with contractors working on projects at LAX, throughout Los Angeles, and beyond.
HireLAX graduate Leopold Robateau speaks at today's graduation ceremony.
Contractors performing work on LAWA projects are expected to exceed 30% local participation, with a workforce that reflects the diversity of Los Angeles. Graduates of the HireLAX ARP framework are poised to become a critical part of the $14 billion capital improvement program at LAX, which includes the Landside Access Modernization Program and other major projects.
These 29 graduates, who started in February, were selected to participate out of more than 100who attended a mandatory orientation in January. The graduating 29 reflect the following demographic features: 26% Female; 63% African American; 11% Hispanic; 46% previous or current involvement with the criminal justice system. Approximately one-quarter of this class has already received hiring commitments from LAWA contractors, and the others are working with HireLAX partners to secure positons.
As part of the program, HireLAX students also learn soft skills, and were provided with case management assistance by the Flintridge Center. Transportation, tools, personal protective equipment and other direct assistance to make the graduates career ready was provided by LAWA and America’s Job Centers.
LAWA expects to begin recruiting for the next HireLAX class in the rel="noopener noreferrer" coming months. Those interested in applying may contact Christina Watkins at Christina.watkins@parsons.com or 424.646.7192.
About Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)
Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) is the City of Los Angeles department that owns and operates Los Angeles International (LAX) and Van Nuys (VNY) general aviation airports, as well as aviation-related property in Palmdale. Both play an integral role in helping to meet the Southern California regional demand for passenger, cargo and general aviation service. Both airports make a distinct contribution to the strength of the system as it provides a high level of safety, security rel="noopener noreferrer" and service for its customers, communities and stakeholders. More information can be found at flylax.com. As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Alternative formats in large print, braille, audio, and other forms (if possible) will be provided upon request.
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